Parfait of Chicken Livers

Parfait of Chicken Livers

Serves 6 in 2.0 Hours

A classic starter suitable for any time of year, make up for a snack or a buffet.

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Best to make the terrine the day before you need to use it. As it will be firm and easy to cut.

Line your terrine mould with cling film. I used four very small loaf tins. Rip off a sheet of cling film and press down into the tin making sure the sides are covered and there is enough overhang to fold over the top after filling. So press down into the corners.

Cut the chicken livers into pieces and discard any fatty bits and the green looking gall bladders.

Finely chop the shallot and the herbs if using fresh.

Heat up the butter in a frying pan and then add the livers, shallot and garlic. Cook in the bubbling butter until the livers are sealed (browned on all sides).

Add the herbs. Continue to cook.

Add the brandy and flame to burn off the bitter alcohol then add the port.

Remove from the heat, tip all these ingredients into a food processor and season with salt and pepper.

Process to a smooth mixture then spoon into the lined terrine mould. Cover the top with the overhanging cling film. I cover with foil also to stop the top crisping up and burning.

Cook in a bain marie or water bath in the oven for 20 minutes.

Remove and chill.

To serve remove from the terrine mould, unwrap and use a sharp knife to cut but stand the knife in boiled water after each cut to get a nice smooth clean cut.

I served mine with a slice of whole bread cut from a small roll, a slice of cooked beetroot topped with a scoop of cream cheese (I used a parisienne spoon or melon baller), a length of chive and a chutney that I?d made for Christmas. The recipe for that is here. Oh and a solitary cherry tomato with a leaf of lettuce.

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